Aloha! The room is booked and we'll be meeting this Sunday (following the mighty reds' cup victory) at 7pm! What I've failed to mention on the above hastily put-together poster is that entry has now gone up to a whopping £2.50, so that I can try to cover the room costs, and eventually make a bit of money to buy club resources!
I've emailed everyone who has attended the last couple of meet-ups with the first songbook instalment, and it was my intention to post it up here as a permanent reference. However, it turns out my grasp of technology is not what I thought it was, and I don't know how to upload documents to this site! I'll figure out how to host and link to it though, so bear with me. In the meantime, if anyone has any questions or problems with the songsheets, direct them to me at
See you on Sunday!